

賦能網 2023-06-04 65





1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


The National Population Census is the basic method of collecting population information widely used by all the countries and is also the key source of the national population data. This year, China carries out the seventh population census. The census is strictly performed in accordance with the corresponding national regulations. It can provide basis for the nation to set the population policy and plan the social development. Everyone should actively cooperate with the census and contribute to this national condition survey.

2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


With the rapid development of science and technology and the change of times, some expressions have been given brand-new meanings. The word “cloud” used to refer to a natural phenomenon, which has now become a metaphor in the Internet field. By means of “cloud”, users can access a huge amount of online resources and data anytime and anywhere. In early 2020, affected by the COVID-19, most people had to stay isolated at home, so new lifestyles like “cloud travelling” and “cloud shopping” have come into being. “Cloud supervision” is a new noun coined under this circumstance, which refers to netizens’ “supervising” the construction of two hospitals for the epidemic prevention and control in Wuhan by watching live webcasts. These popular Internet slangs that are derived from common nouns and given brand-new meanings reflect people’s continuous pursuit of diversified lifestyles in the new era.

3. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

水稻是世界上主要的糧食作物之一,原產于中國和印度,中世紀引入歐洲南部。七千年前,長江流域的先民們就曾種植水稻。中國是世界上水稻總產量最高的國家。水稻喜高溫、多濕、短日照,對土壤要求不嚴。面對世界人口持續(xù)增長,水稻增收成為世界重點關注問題。近年來,被稱為“雜交水稻之父”的袁隆平帶領團隊參與改良海水稻(saline-alkali tolerant rice),并于今年取得了重大成果。海水稻的出現對世界糧食安全的意義重大。

Rice, one of the main food crops in the world, was native to China and India and was introduced to the south of Europe in the Middle Ages. The ancestors in the Yangtze valley once planted rice 7,000 years ago. China has the largest total rice output in the world. Rice is a kind of short-day plant which favors high temperature and dampness, and does not have strict requirements on the soil. With the population around the world keeping increasing, a higher rice yield has become the key concern in all the countries. In recent years, Yuan Longping, known as “the father of hybrid rice”, has led his team to participate in the improvement of saline-alkali tolerant rice, which has achieved great results this year. The appearance of the saline-alkali tolerant rice is of great significance to the global food security.

4. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

中國傳統(tǒng)戲曲中的臉譜(facial makeup)起源于原始圖騰(totem),后來逐漸演變?yōu)橐环N特有的藝術化表現形式。臉譜在戲曲人物造型中占有極為重要的地位。京劇的臉譜最規(guī)范齊全,臉譜也是川劇變臉藝術的重要表演道具。不同顏色與圖案的臉譜能夠清楚地展示角色們各異的性格特點與道德品質。例如,紅色臉譜代表忠誠,黑色代表正直無私,白色代表邪惡狡詐等。臉譜可以幫助演員們表達情感,具有獨特的迷人魅力,并被廣泛應用于各種工藝美術創(chuàng)作中。

Facial makeup in traditional Chinese operas is derived from original totems and gradually evolves into a unique artistic form of expression, which possesses a rather important position in moulding the characters of traditional operas. Facial makeup in Peking Opera is the most standardized and abundant, and it is also the significant prop of the face-changing art in Sichuan Opera. Different colors and patterns of facial makeup show clearly the characters’ various personality traits and moral qualities. For instance, the red represents loyalty, the black represents integrity and selflessness, and the white represents evil and cunning. Facial makeup can help actors express their emotions and is full of distinctive charm. In addition, it is widely applied to various arts and craft creation.

5. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

“琴棋書畫”在我國古代被稱為“四藝”,是個人文化素養(yǎng)的具體體現。“琴棋書畫”中的“棋”即指“圍棋”,其被認為是世界上最復雜的棋盤游戲(board game)。圍棋使用長方形格狀棋盤,采用黑白二色圓形棋子進行對弈。我國古代文人熱衷下棋,在博弈的過程中創(chuàng)作了大量的成語及詩歌,為圍棋文化注入了別樣的生機。如今,圍棋已經成為中華文化的符號,承載著中華文明走向了世界!

Guqin, chess, calligraphy and painting, which are called the Four Arts in ancient China, are the concrete embodiment of personal cultural accomplishment. The chess here refers to weiqi, known as the most sophisticated board game in the world. When playing it, the players use the round white or black pieces separately on an oblong board printed with many small squares of the same size. The men of letters in ancient China are passionately interested in weiqi, producing plenty of idioms and poems about it during the game, which have added distinctive vitality to the culture of weiqi. Now, weiqi has become a symbol of Chinese culture, carrying the Chinese civilization to the world!



本文章“市面上哪個機構,四六級押題比較準?”已幫助 65 人


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