

賦能網(wǎng) 2023-06-30 58




迪肯大學(Deakin University)位于澳大利亞維多利亞州,是一所建立于1974年的由政府資助的澳大利亞頂尖級大學,以澳大利亞聯(lián)邦運動的領導人和全國第二任總理阿爾弗雷德?迪肯(Alfred Deakin)命名。

迪肯大學作為澳大利亞年輕但最具有活力的大學之一,在各大全球大學排行榜中,穩(wěn)居世界大學前2%,并被享有聲望的Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) 評定為5星級大學。在2017年軟科全球體育類院系學術排名中,迪肯大學的“運動與營養(yǎng)科學學院”再次憑借其卓越的科研總體影響力和高水平成果數(shù)量,摘得世界第一的桂冠。在就業(yè)方面,據(jù)泰晤士高等教育排名,迪肯大學有全澳第三的畢業(yè)生就業(yè)率。


Architecture and construction management

Undergraduate 本科專業(yè)

Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)

Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)/Bachelor of Property and Real Estate

Bachelor of Design (Architecture)

Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)


Undergraduate 本科專業(yè)

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours)

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)

Bachelor of Design (3D Animation)

Bachelor of Design (Architecture)

Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)

Bachelor of Design (Digital Technologies)

Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)

Media, communication and creative arts

Undergraduate 本科專業(yè)

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Bachelor of Arts - Advanced (Honours)

Bachelor of Arts/Master of Teaching (Secondary)

Bachelor of Communication (Advertising)

Bachelor of Communication (Digital Media)

Bachelor of Communication (Honours)

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama)

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Photography)

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts)

Bachelor of Creative Writing

Bachelor of Design (3D Animation)

Bachelor of Design (Digital Technologies)

Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)

Bachelor of Film, Television and Animation

Postgraduate 研究生專業(yè)

Master of Architecture

Master of Architecture (Design Management)

Master of Construction Management

Master of Construction Management (Professional)

Master of Landscape Architecture


Postgraduate 研究生專業(yè)

Graduate Certificate of Creative Arts

Graduate Diploma of Creative Arts

Graduate Diploma of Visual Communication Design

Master of Architecture

Master of Architecture (Design Management)

Master of Communication

Master of Creative Arts

Media, communication and creative arts

Postgraduate 研究生專業(yè)

Graduate Certificate of Communication

Graduate Certificate of Creative Arts

Graduate Certificate of Writing and Literature

Graduate Diploma of Childrens Literature

Graduate Diploma of Communication

Graduate Diploma of Creative Arts

Graduate Diploma of Creative Writing

Graduate Diploma of Digital Media

Graduate Diploma of Literary Studies

Graduate Diploma of Professional Writing

Graduate Diploma of Television Production

Graduate Diploma of Visual Communication Design

Graduate Diploma of Writing and Literature

Master of Arts (Writing and Literature)

Master of Communication

Master of Creative Arts



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