

賦能網(wǎng) 2023-06-30 62



USC建筑學(xué)碩士學(xué)位是一個建筑和建筑科學(xué)/技術(shù)的STEM項目(CIP代碼04.0902)。從南加州大學(xué)建筑學(xué)學(xué)士或建筑學(xué)碩士學(xué)位畢業(yè)的國際學(xué)生可能有資格獲得24個月的OPT延期(總共36個月的資格)。為期24個月的STEM OPT延期由美國公民和移民服務(wù)局(USCIS)裁決(批準)。

“The Master of Architecture degree is a STEM program in Architectural and Building Sciences/Technology (CIP code 04.0902). International students who graduate from USC’s Bachelor of Architecture or Master of Architecture degree may be eligible for a 24-month extension of post-completion OPT (for a total eligibility of up to 36 months). The 24-month STEM OPT extension is adjudicated (approved) by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).”




USC在線申請(USC CAS)將于9月1日開放。

溫馨提示:對于國際申請者,截止日期為5月1日(如果有空位),以便我們有足夠的時間審查和簽發(fā) I-20(如果可以的話)。5月1日之后國際申請人提交的申請將不予審核。美國申請人的最后截止日期是7月1日(如果有空位)。

>STEP ONE: USC Graduate online Application (USC CAS) Start your USC online graduate application here.

once you have created your account and logged in, add your graduate program/s of interest under the"Add Program"tab.The USC Graduate Application consists of four quadrants (Personal Information, Academic History, Supporting Information, Program Materials) and you must complete each section in full before you can submit the appli- cation.

For help videos, visit the Office of Graduate Admissions website here.

第二步:Slideroom應(yīng)用程序通過usc cas遞交各項申請材料


All applications materials must be uploaded to your SlideRoom application. You will access the SlideRoom application under the"Programs Materials" (quadrant four of the UCS CAS application. Inorder to ensure that your USC CAS and SlideRoom applica tions sync properly it isimportant that you access SlideRoom via USC CAS only.


Make sure to upload a copy of your university-issued transcripts(i.e.issued on officia letterhead) under the"Academic History"section of the USC CAS and the SlideRoom applications. Please note unofficial transcripts from university student portals are not acceptable.International applicants may visit USC Graduate Admissions "Country Requirements" page for details on required documents.

Please click here for detailed guidelines for sending your official transcripts to USC.

GRE score(GRE成績)

All applicants, domestic and international, are required to take the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination(GRE).Scores are considered valid only if earned

within five years to the month of your intended first term at Usc. only electronic scores received directly from the testing service are considered official.USC ETS School code:4852 (no department code is required).

Please submit a copy of your GRE score report on SlideRoom for preliminary reviews.

TOEFL orlELTS scores (托福雅思成績)


international applicants must demonstrate adequate English-language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL orlELTS scores bythe listed deadlines found on the department website. Scores are considered valid only if earned within two years of your intended first term at USC.

(For example, no earlier than August 1 two years prior if applying for the fall term.)

InternationalapplicantsmustdemonstrateadequateEnglish-language proficiency by submitting eitherTOEFLorIELTSscoresbythelisteddeadlinesfoundonthe department website. Scores are considered validonlyifearnedwithintwoyearsofyourintendedfirsttermatUSC.(Forexample,noearlierthanAugust1twoyearspriorifapplyingforthefallterm.)RESUME AND/ORV(簡歷)

Please upload this document detailing your employmenteducation, extra-curricular collegiate and community activities, honors, awards, publications, professiona! organizations, hobbies, travel, and any other relevant information you would like to include directly into SlideRoom


Please clearly describe your study intentions and interests. Upload this document directly into SlideRoom.There are no minimum or maximum leneth reauirements


Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation from academic or professional references.Applicants who have been out of school for several years may request letters from emplovers or mentors who can evaluate their professional abilities and academic potential. Recommenders will receive instructions via email once the applicant has designated their recommenders and inputted their email addresses through the online application. Letters of recommendation must be submitted through the SlideRoom system.We will not accept letters of recommendation through postal mail or via email.



The portfolio submission is an opportunity for you to tell us about your creative experiences.Candidates may demonstrate design aptitude by submitting examples of freehand drawing, painting,sculpture, photography,graphic design, furniture, product design, etc. The portfolio will help us understand your visual and spatial thinking skills, aptitude for design,and a capacity to think and design in three dimensions.


The design portfolio is a compilation of ones own work.which demonstrates past creative and graphic ability.lt should include drawings and photographs of models from past architecture design studios professional work,orany other artistic/creative activity

Format: The portfolio submission should consist of a minimum of 10 and up to 25 digital image files uploaded online.lmages(up to 5MB each),Video(up to250MB each)and Models(Sketchfab.You mayaiso linkto media from YouTube and Vimeo.

Otherelectronicformats orCD/DVD submissions will not be accepted.Please do not send original or bound materials. We do not accept hard copies.Please do not senc more than one online submission for the same program. You may only submit a digital portfolio through SlideRoom.


Non-refundable USC Graduate Application fee of $90 and SlideRoom fee of S20 applies Fee Waivers:USC offers several options for graduate application fee waivers.Please review these options before you submit your applicationso you can make the

appropriate selection to request a waiver. in order for you to apply with a fee waiver the Office of Graduate Admission must approve your request before you can submit your application.Please click here for more information.

第三步:OBTAINING YOUR USCID:您將收到您的10位Usc身份證號碼通過電子郵件在2至3個業(yè)務(wù)

You will receive your 10-digit Usc ID number via email within two to three business

days after you submit your online application. it is important to remember that this ID number is different from the one that appears on your USC CAS application.Please keep this ID on record and make sure to include it in all your communication with USC.You will also need to include it when mailing any documents to the university.




本文章“揭秘USC建筑學(xué)碩士申請流程”已幫助 62 人


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